I Just Watched XXX and it was Awesome

I Just Watched XXX and it was Awesome


he jumped barns

he jumped avalanches

he jumped jumps

I kept throwing up and crying at the same time because it was so awesome

too awesome

I feel empty now

I feel like dying

I can't ride dirtbikes like him

I can't do that cool sideways thing over a gully

he is an asshole

I am an asshole

there is no reason here

only illusions


- Derek Keisgen


This poem is important to me.  Here's why:

  1. It is written clearly and plainly
  2. It allows for the simultaneous existence of beauty and vulgarity towards media
  3. It is reverential and critical in respectful ways

This past Friday I went to see XXX: The Return of Xander Cage.  When the movie ended, people stood up and clapped.

Those are the people who I write poems for.

Thank you, Derek Keisgen.

Derek Keisgen's band, Bear vs. Shark (Michigan's finest) is below.